Make sure the participant do these requirements:

What are your Roles as an Admin

  1. Help the user to get the maximum of his task, help if he has problem, educate if needed
  2. Be fair judge, don’t take any side
  3. During the whole experiment we should be sure that we make fair comparison when review the entire flow. Must confirmed to multiple person
  4. Do the Current State Calculation correctly!
  5. Document the comparison, put together start and end state
  6. Make conclusion (Written, Video)
  7. Be Active in the Discord Channel
  8. If the participant don’t take much effort, ask him why he is not doing his best
  9. Educate them if necessary
  10. Remind participant to do all 3 types of daily checks if he is not doing it. Don’t skip 2 days in row to remind.
  11. Learn the Scoring of Initial Test and Final Test

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