This website is dedicated to Language Lovers!

We are talking here about something important we didn’t find on the Internet.

We are Language lovers too, and we created this project to help us understand something puzzling us for years.

How to find the best language learning techniques?

We spent a lot of time learning languages, but also we spent a lot of time listening to people who sharing their knowledge, and there is something what looks so simple at first but we realized we can write book about it, and still we can’t cover the whole problem. For the question above we can ask more to clarify how someone can find answer.

People avoid talking in foreign language, and often you hear things like “I’m bad in German” (or insert any language name here), but person saying this has solid knowledge.

Interesting thing here is: What “bad” means in this context? That “bad in something” is often better than people claiming that they are good.

Often people like to simplify things, and you can find many groups fighting for their version of truth.

Language learning conspiracy theories

When a random person on the Internet claim that he is expert in something, and say something like this.

What is dangerous here?

The same thing like in conspiracy theories! Person claiming that probably believe in what he is saying, and often he has zero proof for his talk, or he is misinterpreting data, and in worst cases inventing.

How they measure if something is effective? With measurement units: “doesn’t work for me”, “nonsense”, “great”, “much better”

These words doesn’t say anything. If you say that you spent 1 month learning something using some method, that is still not enough info to prove anything, if you tell that we should believe to you because you know 10 languages, if there is no enough evidence behind we don’t have a reason to believe.

Recognize bad methodology

To see if something is effective, you must be able to measure it:

Sounds simple? Imagine this:

2 total beginners Ana and Ivan started learning Italian from zero. Ana mostly learned watching movies. Ivan was reading books, and using web apps and trying to understand grammar. Both had 10 classes with a teacher. After one month we are testing their knowledge, we tested if they know meaning of 3000 different words. This is what we found.

What strategy is better if this story is true? watching movies or reading books and using apps? Watching movies of course 🙂

But, we didn’t tell you whole story:

With this new context, can you answer now what strategy was more effective?

This wasn’t fair! And comparing 2 cases like this doesn’t have sense. With whole this context what Ivan made is much more impressive, but about techniques we learned nothing from this experiment.

You understand now where problem is. If you don’t know the whole context you can’t answer.

There is big list of factors affecting comparison. If we want fair comparison we must make comparison as similar as possible.

You can maybe say that we constructed extreme example, but any unfair advantage for one side is not ok.

How someone can be effective depends of many factors

This is just part of factors.

With this we found first problem.

How we know that we learned a language?

“Bad in German” guy from beginning of this story works for German company, 5 years already, he has foreign accent still, but he haven’t had single situation in last 1 year that he didn’t understand something, he told that he is bad because:

Other than that he don’t have other problems with the language.

Now can you say that he is “bad”?

We must find better way to explain someone’s level.

To compare us with someone here is the list of some factors we can consider:

For all this factors we should have separate scores.


We want to prove that some techniques are better than other, to do that we will create a lot of experiments and we are calling everyone who is interested to join us and help.

Doing that comparison is not simple, we created template to do that, but we need help to test and improve it.

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